School Policies
Please click on the links below to access the policy you require.
- Whittaker Moss 2024-25 Safeguarding policydoc
- Online Safety policy Sept 24docx
- Curriculum_policy Sep 2024 WMdocx
- Whittaker-Moss-Attendance-Policy-September 2024docx
- Whittaker-Moss-mental-health-well-being-policy-sep-23docx
- Staff-Well-Being-Policydocx
- Whittaker-Moss-Special-Educational-Needs-Policy-2023docx
- Whittaker Moss-uniform-policy-2023docx
- Whittaker Moss Remote Learning Rationaledocx
- Remote-learning-policy-January-2023docx
- Updated covid policy addendum March 2021docx
- Privacy Noticesdocx
- Charging and Remissions Policydocx
- single-equality-and-community-cohesion-policy-2020-2023docx
- School Food Policy March 2022doc
- Equality Compliance Statement 2022docx
- Cared for Children and Children with Social Worker policy Mar 22docx
- ECT policy_induction_started_on_or_after_1_September_2021doc
- Behaviour_policy_coronavirus_addendumdoc
- Attendance_policy_coronavirus_addendumdoc
- PSHE Policydocx
- Policy-HRE 2023docx
- PREVENT 2023docx
- WM Whistleblowing Policy April 2023docx
- Parent Code of Conduct Policydocx
- Healthy-Schools-Policydoc
- Drug-Education-Policydocx
- Educational Visits Policydocx
- Anti-Bullying-Policydocx
- Behaviour-Policy updated 2023docx
- Schools-Data-Protection-Policy-2023docx
- Whittaker-Moss-Primary-School-Lettings-Policy-2023docx
- SEND-information-report-2023docx
- Whittaker-Moss-School-Offer-2023docx
- Accessibility-Plan-2021-2023docx
- Intimate-Care-Policy-2023doc
- Invacuation and Lockdown Informationdocx
- Equality-Action-Plan-2023docx
- Medical-Needs-Policy-2022docx
- Complaints-policy-updated-March-2023doc
- Feedback and marking policydocx
- Smoke Vape Free Policypdf